K Faktor helps Clubs/Charities raise $25m+
Since 1999 The K Faktor has promoted over 1800 shows/events raising in excess of $25m for local clubs/charities. Watch the video to see how it’s done.
JK the Charity MC Comic Auctioneer
Justin Karcher (AKA JK) has MC’d 800+ events across the globe and will not only bring professionalism and humour to your event but manage the whole day to ensure a financial success.
Celebrity Reaktor by Girlscouts
Have a giggle enjoying a simple explanation as to how JK finds the talent for successful events.
Our Packaged Shows

Team up a Legend or 2 with JK for the complete package
Since 1999 The K Faktor (aka Justin Karcher or K Faktor) has been helping community and sporting clubs, charities, Not For Profits (NFPs), Non Profit, NGOs, corporates, schools and individuals raise over $25m for worthy causes. In this time, he has spoken to more than 200,000 people worldwide about the art of fundraising, either as a fundraising consultant, project manager, or an MC Comic Auctioneer at a charity event or corporate entertainment placement.